Winemaking Spoons and Paddles
Grape and Granary offers a variety of spoons and paddles for winemaking. If you are making wine from winemaking kits or concentrates, spoon of around 18" in legnth. The plastic spoons sold by grape and granary will not melt. Stainless steel spoons are great and easy to sanitize. If you use a wooden spoon, be sure not to touch your must (unfermented wine) with it as wood can be somehwhat porous and difficult to sanitize.
If you are making wine from a wine kit with grape skins, you will want a good spoon that can help push or 'punch' down the skins during the primary fermentation process. If you are making wine from fresh grapes, you will likely want a must punger to push or 'punch' down the grapes during fermentation.
Contact us if you have any questions regarding spoons, paddles or punch down tools.