Winemaking- Bottle Fillers
When it comes time for bottling, you want to make the process as easy as possible. Most winemakers will rack the wine off of any sediment into a bottling bucket with a spigot. Then, running a short piece of tubing from the spigot to a bottle filling wand makes the job quick and easy.
The bottle fillers have a weight or spring loaded tip that turns the bottle filler on when it is depressed. For most winemakers, the 3/8 inch bottle filler matched with a 5/16 inch bottling spigot and 5/16 inch hose will do the job. We also offer a 1/2 inch bottle filler which can fill bottles much faster. Just make sure you have a 1/2 inch spigot and 7/16 inch hose.
For those who want to automate the bottling process, the Grape and Granary offers the Enolmatic bottle filler which can draw the wine up from a carboy and fill the wine bottle under a vacuum. The Enolmatic filler is a semi-professional machine that has worked well for us in our own winery.
Contact us if you have any questions regarding bottle fillers.