Rose Hips- 1 lb
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Rose Hips (Rosa canina)- 4 oz bag
Used in wines, teas, specialty beer and confections, rose hips are a versatile fruit/herb. Rich in vitamin C, the rose hip shells with the seeds removed are the best type to use for wine as seeds can add undesirable tannins.
Also Known As: Roehips, Rose Canina, Rose Haw, Wild Rose and Hip Berry
Origin: Asia
Taste and Aroma: Tangy, tart, fruity and reminiscent of cranberries.
Uses: Wine, Tea, Jam, Marmalade, Soups, Stews, Pies, Bread
Fun Fact: Rose Hips are extremely high in Vitamin C and were consumed widely in Great Britain during WW2 when shipping citrus fruits was not possible!