Winemaking Wine Savers
Have you ever started enjoying a bottle of wine and found that you cannot finish it? I know, it does not happen at my house either. However, if it did, you put the bottle in the fridge and come back to it a few days later. When you reopen the bottle, you find that the tastes a bit 'off'. What has happeded? The wine has been exposed to too much air (the air that is in the headspace of the partially full bottle). Air is the worst enemy of wine during the storage phase.
So, what can you do to save the wine and preserve the flavor? You can use a type of wine saver that preserves the character of the opened bottle. The Grape and Granary sells two items that can preserve a partially full bottle. The first is the 'Private Preserve' which is made up of 3 inert gasses that are sprayed into the partially full bottle. The gas replaces the air in the headspace of the bottle and preserves the wine.
The second item is the Vacu Vin Wine Saver. This item has a rubber stopper with a valve that sits in the bottle neck and allows a pump to vacuum out the air from the headspace of the bottle. Air is the enemy of wine and the Vacu Vin removes that air.
Contact us if you have any question regarding wine savers for wine bottles.