All Vinegar and Kombucha
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Grape and Granary has everything you need to make your own high quality vinegar and kombucha from the comfort of your own home. From the starter cultures, to glass jugs, vinegar casks, and more, we have it all. We carry a selection of premier vinegar starter cultures from Supreme Vinegar including cultures for red wine vinegar, malt vinegar, cider vinegar and white wine vinegar. Please contact us with any questions you may have.
Kombucha is a type of fermented probiotic drink which has been around for thousands of years. Kombucha is largely said to have originated in China, although it is sometimes credited to Russia. Kombucha is made from tea, sugar, and a starter culture. During the process of fermentation the caffeine and sugar in the tea is used, leaving little of either in the final product. The final product of kombucha is naturally carbonated, making this a fizzy and tasty, yet still healthy drink.