Our Scotch Wee Heavy recipe is deeply malty and complex with lots of malt flavor from crystal and toasted malts. We also use just a touch of roasted and peat smoked malt. The recipe utilizes 9.9 lbs of malt extract to build the big malty backbone. Commercial examples are Belhaven Wee Heavy, McEwan's Scotch Ale, Founders Dirty Bastard and MacAndrew's Scotch Ale.
The kit includes malt syrup, specialty grains, hop socks, pellet hops, priming sugar, Whirlfloc tablet, and instructions. It requires a 45 minute boil, and makes 5 US gallons of beer. If you desire to use liquid yeast we recommend Wyeast #1728 Ale. Statistics are Est OG 1.073, Est SRM 19, Est IBU'S 34. Potential Alcohol is 7.3 ABV.
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