This beer is rich with complex malt and spicy Saaz, Hallertau, Spalter and Tettnanger hops. The recipe uses a total of 5 oz of hops. It also has one dry hopping addition. The beer is pale in color when poured and supports a dense white head. Commerical examples are Pilsner Urquell and Sam Adams Noble Pilsner.
The kit includes 6.6 lbs of syrup malt, steeping grains, steeping sock, pellet hops, priming sugar, Whirlfloc tablet, and instructions. If you want to use a liquid yeast we recommend Wyeast #2278 or #2112. Anticipated SG 1.051, SRM 4, IBU 21, 5.1% ABV.
* Royal Pilsner is best fermented at lager temps between 48'F 55'F. However, it makes a very tasty brew when fermented at ale temperatures too.
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