Pinot Grigio- Italian Juice
Options Available
6 Gallon pail of California Pinot Grigio grape juice. 6 gallon pail.
* Note: we cannot ship fresh grape juice. Customer pick-up only.
Available Sept/Oct: We will call you when your juice arrives.
The primary fruit flavors in Pinot Grigio are lime, lemon, pear, white nectarine and apple. Depending on where the grapes are grown, Pinot Grigio can take on faint honeyed notes; floral aromas like honeysuckle; and a saline-like minerality.
Pinot Grigio doesn’t have a strikingly unique flavor the way Moscato or Riesling do, but it does offer a refreshing twinkle of acidity and a weighty feeling on the middle of your tongue – like licking wax paper.