Brewers Best One Gallon Equipment Kit
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Vintners Best one gallon winemaking equipment kit (for use with the Winexpert one gallon wine kits).
The equipment package includes all necessary hardware to ferment and bottle one gallon of wine:
2 Gallon Fermenting Bucket,
Grommeted Lid for 2 Gallon Fermenting Bucket,
Clear One Gallon Glass Jug,
Mini Auto-Siphon,
5/16” Siphon Hose with Shut-Off Clamp,
Fermtech Bottle Filler,
Easy Clean sanitizer,
Postassium Metabisulfite,
Dual End Swizzle Spoon,
Wine Thief,
#6.5 Solid Rubber Stopper,
Dual Scale Liquid Crystal Thermometer,
Alla Triple Scale Hydrometer,
10” Plastic Hydrometer Test Jar,
* The vintner will need (5) used or new wine bottles.
* Choose a winemaking ingredient kit if you wish