This beer boasts flavors of toasty munich and caramel with hints of chocolate. It will produce a creamy light to tan head when poured. This kit uses Hallertau Hersbrucker for bittering and flavor.
The kit includes 6 lbs of dry malt extract, specialty grains, steeping sock, pellet hops, priming sugar, Safale s-04 dry yeast, Whirlfloc tablet, and instructions. Commercial examples are Paulaner Alt Munchner and Harpoon Munich-type Dark Beer. It requires a 45 minute boil and makes 5 US gallons. If you prefer to use liquid yeast we reommend Wyeast #2124 or #2112. Anticipated SG 1.058, SRM 21, IBU 20, and 5.8% ABV.
* Munich Dunkel is traditionally fermented at lager temperatures between 48'F-55'F however it will do well at ale temps (60 - 70 deg F.) too.