Homebrewing Wyeast Labs
Wyeast labs is located near Mount Hood, Oregon. Over the last 30 years, Wyeast has created an extensive collection of yeast strains and fermentation products for Lager Beers, Ales, Bacteria and Belgian Ales and Wheat Beers.
As a key figure in the craft beverage revolution, Wyeast has spent 30 years helping to change the landscape of the industry for the better and they look forward the next 30. At Wyeast, quality is everything. In our opinion, what separates Wyeast from other brands is the 'smack pack' which lets you proof the yeast prior to pitching. You just have to 'smack' the pack which introduces unfermented beer wort into the yeast and creates a micro-fermentation. If the pack swells, you know you have viable yeast ready for pitching.
Contact Us if you have questions about any of our Wyeast liquid yeast strains.