Homebrewing- Munton's Beer Kits
The Grape and Granary stocks a number of Munton's beer kits. These kits are designed to make about 5 US gallons of finished beer. They usually recommend not boiling them and adding about 2 lbs of dextrose/corn sugar. Each can comes with a pack of Munton's yeast.
At the Grape and Granary, we recommend boiling these kits for a few minutes (just to insure sanitation). This also gives you the opportunity to add hops at the end of the boil if you wish to increase the hop aroma of the finished beer. We recommend not adding more than one pound of dextrose (corn sugar) as adding more than one pound can impart a cidery note to the brew. You can substitute dried malt extract (dme) in place of the corn sugar. This will insure that your brew does not have that cidery homebrew 'twang'. You will also need priming sugar (dextrose) at bottling time to create the carbonation.
Contact us if you have any questions about Munton's beer kits.