All Sugar
One indispensible tool every homebrewer needs is a brewing hydrometer. It allows the brewer to measure the sugar content (or density) of the brew. It is especially important for those brewing all-grain recipies.. Without a hydrometer, it will not be possible to calculate the alcohol content of the finished beer. Measuring the density of the beer also helps to determine when the brew is finished fermenting and when it can be safely bottled.
The Grape and Granary recommends having the basic brewing hydrometer, a test jar to float the hydrometer in and a thief or turkey baster for removing samples and taking readings. Most beer styles will have a starting hydrometer reading of about 1.050 and have an ending hydromenter reading of about 1.010. These numbers do change depending on the style of beer you are brewing and are generally included with your all-grain or extract recipe.
If you have any questions regarding testing the sugar level of homebrewed beer, contact us here.