Toasted Malts

Homebrewing Toasted Malts

Toasted malts are used as a base malt for Oktoberfest and Vienna style lager beers. They will impart the reddish color and toasted flavors that create the distictive flavors found in those beer styles. In other styles of beer, toasted malts are used in smaller quantities to add things like a 'toasty,' 'bready' or 'doughy' note. Toasted malts are very versatile and can be experimented with in many beer styles. 

Note: Toasted malts do not need to be mashed. They can be 'steeped 'in the brewing water prior to the boil when brewing a batch of beer in a malt extract kit.

Contact us if you have any questions regarding toasted malts in the homebrewing process.

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