All Caramel Malts
Starting at$0.20
Caramel or Crystal malts are added in small amounts to a beer recipe to add the typical caramel flavor you notice in many beer styles like a Pale Ale or India Pale Ale (IPA). Carmel malts also help build the body of a beer and add a bit of sweetness.
Adding Special 'B' malt to a Belgian Double will give the requisite 'raisiny' flavor. Caramel malts can also be used to increase the body and head retention of a beer. Adding Carapils malt or Carafoam malt will add to the body of a beer without adding any color. This can be helpful when brewing a light colored beer like a Pilsner.
Note: Caramel or Crystal malts do not need to be mashed. They can be 'steeped 'in the brewing water prior to the boil when brewing a batch of beer in a malt extract kit.
Contact us if you have any questions regarding caramel or crystal malts in the homebrewing process.