Homebrewing Wort Aerators
Grape and Granary offers several ways for homebrewers to aerate their wort (unfermented beer). Boiling the unfermented beer drives out the advantagous oxygen that yeast cells need for heathy growth and fermentation. Every serious home brewer will have at least some method of wort aeration.
The most simple way to aerate a batch of beer prior to fermentation is to stir or 'whip' the unfermented beer with a racking tube. Stiring the wort with vigor and with splashing helps insure a heathy fermentation and a better tasting beer. Another option is to use a siphon spray wort aerator that is attached to the end of your racking cane. As the beer is siphoned from the kettle to the fermenter, the siphon spray fans out the beer wort for aeration. This method is easy and inexpensive.
For those who want to mechanize the process a bit, a mix/stir aerator works really well and can be attached to a drill. For serious homebrewers, an oxgen diffusion stone attached to an oxygen tank or a aquarium style wort aerator works well.
For those brewers that are making yeast starters a stir plate like the 'wort whipper' with a mixing bar inside of a erlenmeyer flask works really well.
Contact us if you have any questions regarding which wort aeration system is best for your homebrewing process.