Homebrewing Grain Mills
Grape and Granary offers a variety of grain mills for homebrewing. If you are an extract homebrewer, you can generally buy your grains pre-milled. If you are an extract homebrewer and you just want to have some extra whole malted barley grain and specialty grains on-hand (and you are doing grain steeping), a Corona Grain Mill will work just fine.
If you are an all-grain homebrewer, you will want to either have your grain milled by your homebrew shop or do it yourself with a mill specifically made for brewing beer. The Grape and Granary will mill (crush) your grain at no-charge.
If you want to buy malted barley buy the sack (50 or 55 lbs) and always want to have some on-hand, you will want to buy a roller mill so you can store it whole and crush it on brew day. An all-around good grain mill that is reasonably priced is the Vintage Shop Grain Mill. You can drive it with a electric drill and make the crushing process a breeze. Crushing the grain in to a 5 gallon bucket works great. If you want a grain mill with a larger hopper, the Barley Crusher mill works well with a large 15 lb hopper.
If you are not sure which grain mill to choose, feel free to contact us here.