Homebrewing Conical Fermenters
As a homebrewer, your equipment is a very important part of the process. A conical fermenter makes homebrewing easier and more enjoyable. The brewer does the standard primary fermentation in the conical but instead of then having to transfer the beer to a secondary fermenter for clarification, the homebrewer just opens a valve at the bottom of the cone and drains the yeast out. This elliminates an entire step! Once the beer falls clear in the conical, a racking port should be used to allow the brewer to drain the entire batch of beer into a soda keg for force carbonation or in to a bottling bucket. At the Grape and Granary, we like to brew our batch of homebrew in the Anvil Foundry and then ferment it and clear it in a conical. Once clear, we transfer it to a soda keg to force carbonate it. Homebrewing does not get much easier than this!
Contact us if you have any questions regarding conical fermenters.