All-In-One Brewing Systems
As a homebrewer, your equipment is a very important part of the process. An All-In-One brewing system can simplify the brewing process making brew day a simple and enjoyable experience. An all-in-one brewing system allows the homebrewer to mash, sparge, collect, boil and cool all in one vessel. The all-in-one brewing system is compatable with the traditional extract brewing process (malt extract with grain steeping) and the All-Grain brewing process with sparging or even a Brew-In-A-Bag (BIAB).
You don't even need a stove or a gas burner! Our favorite way to brew a batch of beer these days is to use the Anvil Foundry (6,5 or 10.5 gallon size) and make an all-grain batch of beer with the BIAB method. It is fun, simple, fast and makes great tasting beer. Just remember that in this case you would still need a fermenting vessel.
Contact us if you have any questions regarding the pieces of homebrewing equipment that we sell.