Equipment Packages

Homebrewing Equipment

Before you start the homebrewing process , you want to make sure you have the right equipment in place.  No matter which of our starter kits you choose, you'll be on the path to making quality beer from your own home. A proper homebrewing equipment kit isn't the only thing you need to consider however. You will need a little knowledge. 1) Make sure that all equipment that contacts your beer is sanitized using a proper beer sanitizer  2) Use only high quality water with no chlorine and 3) Avoid table sugar in your recipes. It produces cidery flavors in beer.

One Vs.Two Stage Brewing Equipment Kits

Grape and Granary proudly offers both one stage and two stage brewing kits. A one stage brewing kit is best for those just getting started in the homebrewing hobby. The beer is boiled, cooled and fermented. Once the fermentation process is finished, the beer is bottled using standard beer bottles and carbonated with dextrose (corn sugar or carbonation drops). With this method there tends to be more yeast sediment at the bottom of each beer bottle so more care must be taken when pouring the finished brew.

Two stage brewing equipment kits allow for an addtional step for additional clearing. The beer is boiled, cooled and then fermented. After the fermentation process is finished, the beer is transfered to a clarifying vessel or carboy for beer brewing for further clarification and maturation. Once the beer falls completly clear, the beer is transfered again to a bottling container like a bottling bucket and the beer is bottled. The beer then undergoes the carbonation process for several weeks before being ready to be consumed. This method allows for a clearer beer with less sediment and more stability (less chance for over carbonation). 

Our most popular and widely sold equipment kit is our 'Deluxe Two Stage' equipment package as it contains everything needed to produce a batch of beer from start to finish (including a kettle, bottles and ingredients).

If you have any questions regarding which equipment kit is the right choice for you, just contact us!

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