This Grape and Granary all-grain Advanced Extra Foreign Stout kit won a gold medal at the local 'Wizard Of Saaz' beer brewing competition in 2011. It is very smooth yet roasty with a very long lingering complex malt finish. The recipe consists of 76% pale malt and small percentages of crystal, biscuit, roasted barley, pale chocolate, Belgian chocolate and chocolate rye.
Jet black in color, it is a Grape and Granary favorite. This recipe assumes a 75% efficiency. Estimated OG is 1.065, SRM is about 48 and IBU's are 55.
This kit includes grains for mashing, hops, priming sugar, irish moss tablet and dry yeast. If you prefer, choose a liquid yeast such as Wyeast 1028 or 1084.
BIAB video here