Our Dunkelweizen is a moderately dark, spicy, fruity, malt balanced, refreshing wheat-based ale. Low to moderately banana and clove flavor is produced by the yeast. Some vanilla and or bubblegum notes may be present depending on the yeast strain and fermentation temperatures. A low level of noble hops balance out the malt bill. Munich, crystal, carafa and melanoidin malts are used for color and complexity. Ships with Safale WB-06.
The kit includes wheat malt syrup, specialty grains, steeping sock, pellet hops, priming sugar, dry yeast, and instructions. Commercial examples are Edelweiss Dunkel Weissbier and Kapuziner Weissbier Schwarz. It requires a 45 minute boil, and makes 5 US gallons. If you prefer to use a liquid yeast we recommend Wyeast #3068, #3056 or #3638. Anticipated SG 1.054, SRM 16, IBU 13, and ABV 5.4.