A true German Bock style beer recipe that uses melanoidin malt to give it a decoction mash flavor. Dark amber, malty and toasty. A true German celebration beer. Hallertau Hesbrucker and Pearl hops are used for bitterness and flavor. Commercial examples are Great Lakes Rockefeller Bock, Einbecker Ur-Bock Dunkel.
The kit includes 6.6 lbs Munich malt syrup and 2 lbs Amber dry malt, steeping grains, steeping sock, pellet hops, safale s-04, priming sugar, Whirlfloc tablet, and instructions. It requires a 45 minute boil and makes 5 US gallons. If you prefer to use liquid yeast we recommend Wyeast #2124. Anticipated SG 1.067, SRM 16, IBU 28, and 6.8% ABV
* Dunkel Bock is best fermented at lager temperatures between 48'F 55'F. However, it makes an excellent beer when fermented at ale temps (60- 70 deg F) too.