Thermometer-Dial- 6 Inch
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We are very happy to be carrying this thermometer which is made right here in the USA. This Tel-Tru thermometer is a wonderful thermometer made from the highest-quality stainless steel. The 5" stem is equiped with a pan clip for easy use and the large two inch dial is great for quick temperature checking. This is the thermometer the pros use because of its accuracy and durability.
Tel-Tru is known as one of the world's premier thermometer manufacturers.
Manufatured in USA
2" Dial
5" Stem
0/220 Degrees F Temp. Range
-10/100 Degrees C Temp. Range
Pan Clip
Recalibration Nut
Glass Lens
TO CLEAN: Wash stem only in hot, soapy water after use and sanitize well before use.