Grape and Granary's All Grain Black IPA (Cascadian Ale) recipe.
This is a dark American version of an English IPA brewed with chocolate malt, chocolate rye and toasted malts and an aggressive American hop profile. The recipe employees 5 hop additions over the 90 minute boil. Almost 12 lbs of grain are used to produce toasty complex flavors that blend perfectly with the citrusy American hop profile. Starting Gravity is 1.063. Estimated bitterness is 64 IBU's estimated color is 36 srm.
This kit includes almost 12 lbs of grain, over three ounces of bittering, flavor and aroma hops, dry yeast, whirlfloc tablet and instructions.
Commercial examples of this style are: Hop Heathen Black Ale (Hoppin Frog), Sublimely Self-Righteous Ale (Stone Brewing Co.), Iniquity (Southern Tier Brewing Company) and Founders Black IPA
Founders Brewing Company).