This Belbian Abbey style Tripel is rich, complex, fruity and spicy Belgian styled ale. It pours a rich golden color. There are over 11 lbs of fermentables including pale malt extract and sugar. Munich and aromatic malts add to the complexity. Includes S-33 yeast. Commercial examples are Westmalle Tripel, Chimay Cinq Cents (White), Corsendonk Abbey Pale Ale and Victory Golden Monkey
It requires a 35-45 minute boil and makes 5 US gallons. This beer was modelled after Westmalle Tripel. The kit includes malt syrup, corn sugar, pellet hops, steeping grains, steeping socks, Whirlfloc tablet and priming sugar. Wyeast #1214 or #1388 are recommended. Statistics are Est OG 1.087, Est SRM 6, EST IBU'S 30. Potential Alcohol 8.7 ABV.