Our American style barley wine is super rich and intense beer that uses 11.9 lbs of malt extract. Toasted and caramel malts are also added for color and complexity. There are a total of seven hop additions of Chinook and Cascade hop varieties. This beer deserves some cellaring but will be worth the wait. Commercial examples are Anchor Old Foghorn, and Sierra Nevada Bigfoot.
The kit includes malt syrup, dry malt extract, steeping grains, steeping sock, hop pellets, priming sugar, dry yeast, Whirlfloc tablet, and instructions. It requires a 45 minute boil and Makes 5 US gallons. If you prefer to use liquid yeast we reccommend Wyeast #1056 Ale. Anticipated SG 1.091, SRM 15.6, IBU 88, and potental
ABV 9.6 ABV.
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