Our American Amber Ale has a moderate amount of malt character best described as toasty (Munich malt) with notes of caramel (carared malt) and citrus. The malt bill is balanced by northern brewer hops for bittering. Cascade hops provide the citrus flavor and aroma. This beer style is a bit more malt focused than the American Pale ale style. Commercial examples are Anderson Valley Boont Amber Ale, Lagunitas Censored Ale, Avery Redpoint Ale, Mendocino Red Tail Ale and Bell's Amber Ale.
The kit includes malt syrup and dry malt, specialty grains, steeping sock, pellet hops, priming sugar, dry yeast, Whirlfloc tablet, and instructions. This beer placed 3rd in the AHA regionals. It requires a 45 minute boil and makes 5 US gallons. If you prefer to use liquid yeast we recommend Wyeast #1272. Anticipated SG 1.054, SRM 16, IBU 38 and ABV 5.4.
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